How to Put Chain Back on Bike with Gears

If you love riding bikes, you must be aware of this problem. Yes, the concern regarding the fixation of bike chains. It is the most common problem that almost every bike rider faces. And, sometimes, if you are a new rider, this problem may become difficult for you to handle. So, you must know how to fix and put the chain back on your bike instantly.

Moreover, it would be best to learn the art of chain fixation in this regard. And, it is not as difficult as it seems to be. You have to follow a few simple steps to put the chain back quickly. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s discuss this topic in detail!

Why do Chains Slip-off?

A bike chain is usually made up of hard steel composed of plates. And, these plates are stitched with each other with rivets. These steel plates are solid and highly flexible. These plates connect when you ride your bike with the help of a driving mechanism. The rear-derailleur of your bike operates this drive mechanism. Sometimes, your bike chain slips off, and a few reasons are given below!


Check-out if the Components are Loose:

Sometimes the chain of your bike slips off because of loose components. So, you need to check all parts thoroughly to investigate appropriately. The chain is generally composed of four main parts: the outer plate, the inner plate, roller, and pin. You can check these parts by wiggling the bike Chain. And, upon fiddling, if it makes any sound, it should be tightened.

Shorten down the Chain:

Another important thing that you need to check is the length of the chain. Sometimes, you forget to shorten the size of the chain. And, that’s why it slip-off. So, what is the solution? To avoid this problem, you need to shorten the length of your chain by removing additional links. Once you shorten your chain down, your bike will run smoothly.

Replace the Worn-out Chain:

If your chain is damaged, you are just ignoring its rough position. Then, of course, you will regret it later, as this worn-out chain will slip off easily. So, you need to replace the damaged chain with a new one. And, another reason is when you shift the gears too hard. Shifting the gears too hard can also result in loosening the chain. So, avoid turning the gears too fast.

Now! Let’s check out the process of putting the chain back on the bike!

How to Replace a Slipped Chain?

Sometimes. The chain does not break, but it only slips. But here, you need to understand that the chain is threaded with front and rear derailleurs. You can’t say that it is broken. In this situation, no special maintenance is required. And, what you need to do is fix the chain back to its sprocket. So, whenever the chain gets slipped, check out the slippage point firstly.

Most of the time, the Chain slips from the front sprocket!

Check-out if the Chain is Jammed:

Sometimes, the chain gets jammed between the frame and the rear sprocket after slipping. In this Condition, you need to loosen the quick release on the rear wheel and undo the wheel nut to reduce the rear wheel from the chain. After losing the rear wheel enough, you can pull out the chain.

Loosen the chain if there is a Rear-Derailleur:

If there is a rear derailleur in your bike, then you need to slacken the chain and, after it, thread around the front sprocket. In most bikes, the rear derailleur is usually spring-loaded. And this type of rear-derailleur keeps the chain tight while you are riding. If your bike has this type of derailleur, push the arm forward to introduce the slack in the chain.

Now, you have to use this slack to thread the other end of the chain, around the smallest of the sprockets (front). After it, release the rear derailleur’s arm to check whether the chain is tightened or not.

Turn the Pedals if there is not any Derailleur:

If your bike is without any derailleur, you have to catch the chain on the sprocket by pedalling. In this case, you need to hook the chain to the rear sprocket. And also, join the chain as much as you can on the bottom of the front sprocket. After it, turn the pedal backwards. The chain should catch and start turning around the front sprocket. The chain should start running through the bike’s gears as usual.

Pedal Forward Gently:

Get on your bike and start pedalling forward smoothly. But it would be best if you slow down the speed. And, if your bike has gears, your chain will jump back into its gear before slipping down. And if it’s not coming, keep changing the gears until it pedals smoothly.

Final Checks:

In the end, check out your bike finally, check out if the bike is making any noise. If it is making, keep on changing the gears until your bike starts pedalling smoothly. Moreover, you have to change both the front and rear derailleur. And, once your bike will not make any noise, it means it is ready to ride.

The Bottom Line:

So, the bottom line is it is not very difficult to put the chain back on your bike. All you have to do is follow some convenient steps given above. First of all, you need to investigate why the chain slipped off. After finding the reason, you must fix that problem to avoid slipping the chain again. You have to check if any of the chain components are loose.

If it is loose, you must tighten it. If the chain is too long, then you must shorten it. And, if the chain of your bike is old or worn-out, then you must replace that. To avoid slipping the chain, you don’t need to shift the gears too quickly. And, once you fix the actual problem, you can put the chain back by following some simple steps given in the article.


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